Closing a conference represents a documented successful or unsuccessful attempt to intervene in a student’s attendance habits. Attend provides a means to analyze processes and provide documentation of each attempt.
Note: All students must be assigned a conference status before the conference can be closed.
STEP 1: On the Conferences page, locate the conference within the To Be Closed tab.
STEP 2: Under the Actions menu, click the View Conference option to open the Conference Details page.
STEP 3: Click the Edit button at the top of the page to edit the conference.
STEP 4: Assign a conference status to the student in the conference by clicking the Actions ellipses and selecting the specific status for the conference from the list.
Student Status Selection Recommendations
- The parent/guardian attended the conference by phone, by web, or in person.
- The meeting could not take place due to scheduling conflicts or various other issues. The site will attempt to reschedule without the record of an official NO SHOW on the student record.
- Selecting this status will place the student in the To Be Rescheduled list.
- The parent or student did not attend, and the site will attempt to reschedule the conference.
Selecting this status will place the student in the To Be Rescheduled list.
- The student is no longer at the site but is still in the district.
- Selecting this status will place the student in the To Be Rescheduled list of the new site on the next upload.
- The site is no longer making attempts to get the parent in a conference due to NO SHOWS.
- Selecting this status will allow the student to receive the next intervention if they continue to miss school.
- Selecting this status takes the student out of the normal trigger for the current conference, and the student will no longer be eligible for that conference.
STEP 5: Click Save and Close Conference at the top of the page and in the confirmation box.
All conferences remain in the To Be Conducted tab until the conference date has passed. After that, they move to the Conferences To Be Closed tab.
If you need to close a conference currently located in the To Be Conducted tab, you must edit the date of the conference to a date in the past then save the conference before proceeding to give students a conference status.
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