Using Schoolstatus Attend, you can simply check which parent or guardian your letters will be sent to, and easily add an additional guardian if necessary. This article will cover how you check which parent is receiving the letters and how to add additional guardians.
- Use the search bar in the upper left hand corner of the screen to locate the student either by typing letters in the student’s name or entering their Student ID number.
- Click the student’s name to go to their Student Overview page.
- Click the Guardians tab at the top of the page.
The Guardian displayed here is the primary Guardian that we have uploaded directly from the district’s
Pro Tip: If changes need to be made to Guardian contact information, make those changes in the SIS, and Attend will automatically update when we complete our next data upload.
Adding a Guardian
If another Guardian needs to be added:
Click the white Add button in the upper right.
- Fill out the form for the new Guardian.
Note : if you want the Attend program to send letters to this Guardian, it is very important to make sure the Send Letter box at the bottom of the form is checked. If the box is not checked, Attend will not mail letters to that Guardian.
- Click Save.
The new Guardian will appear side-by-side with the previously uploaded Guardian, indicating any letter that generates for this student will now be mailed to both guardians.
Note: There is no fee for adding Guardians.
Note: There is no limit to how many Guardians can be added.
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