With Schoolstatus Attend you can easily keep track and manage all the interventions that occur with each student. This article will detail how to locate all the interventions that occur for each student.
- Use the search bar in the upper left hand corner of the screen to locate the student either by typing letters in the student’s name or entering their Student ID number.
- Click the student’s name to go to their Student Overview page.
- Click the Student Details tab at the top of the page
Under the Interventions sub-section, you will see a list of what letters have been mailed to the parent and what dates they were mailed.
- To view a sent Intervention, click the 3 dots all the way on the right side of the list under the section labeled Actions.
- Click View Sent Intervention
The letter will download. You can then view, save, or print the letter.
- Underneath the Student Details tab, click Attendance Events
- In the box on the left labeled Filters and Options, click the check box for the Intervention the parent is inquiring about.
Only the absence events that triggered that letter will display in the table on the right. You can review these absences with the parent and explain that these were the absences that caused the letter to generate.
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