Student Details Overview
The individual student page is where you can find student specific details regarding attendance, interventions, conferences and more.
Page Layout
Student Overview – Contains a summary of general student information and attendance patterns.
Student Details – Shows details regarding Interventions, Conferences, Meetings and Attendance codes.
Guardians – Displays guardian information and whether a guardian is configured to receive a letter, email or text message notifications.
Notes – Contains any notes added to the student this year.
Tags – Displays any tags and associated details assigned to the respective student.
Concerns – Lists concerns related to Attendance/Home/Family, Behavior or General Strengths and Concerns assigned to the respective student.
Attendance Trends
Shows if a student has more, less or the same number of absences in the current production run, compared to the previous production run. (Point A will be compared to Point B to determine if the number of absences has increase, decreased or remained the same.)
Trends will be shown throughout Attend using these three icons.
Attendance has improved since last production run (student has less absences)
Attendance has declined since last production run (student has more absences)
Attendance has not changed since last production run (student has same number of absences)
You can also see the number of equivalent days missed, by production run or month, for the entire year. When hovering over a point in the graph, you will see a tooltip with the count of equivalent days missed.
Guardians Overview
You can add an additional guardian on the Guardians tab on the individual student page.
Adding Additional Guardians
- Click on the ADD button near the top right of the tab
2. A new guardian tile will appear where you will need to fill in the
- Guardian Name
- Home Language
- Phone Number
- Address
3. You can also configure this guardian to receive certain notifications from Attend. Note you will be unable to configure the guardian for certain notifications without the proper information.
- Send Letter: Must have an address entered
- Send Email: Must have an email address
- Send Text: Must have a mobile phone number
4. Once saved, the new guardian will appear next to the existing guardian records.
To delete a guardian, you can click on the trash can icon
Tags Overview
You can add a Tag on the Tags tab on the individual student page.
Adding Tags to a Student
- Click on the Add button near the top right of the tab.
2. Select the desired tag from the drop-down menu. Add a start date, end date, and a note. These three fields are not required by are recommended to keep accurate records.
3. Once saved, the tag will be added to the list on the tab.
Note: If the start date is set in the future, or the end date is set in the past, the tag will appear as an inactive tag. You cannot create the same tag with overlapping dates.
Commonly Asked Questions
How do I search for a Student?
Use the search bar in the upper left hand corner of the screen to locate the student either by typing letters in the student’s name or entering their Student ID number. Click the student’s name to go to their Student Overview page.
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